Winston Churchill famously said that success is "the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."

No one ever cruised through life without facing challenges, hardships, and failures. But the modern world and its fast technological progress have given us hubris.

We can easily be tricked into believing that humans have it all under control when the reality is that... well, we don't. We control very little, and thinking otherwise is pure folly.

However, there is one thing we are in control of:
How we look at things.

You can look at a new project and feel overwhelmed by the work required, face a problem and feel like an idiot, or experience a setback and feel defeated.

Or you can get pumped thinking about triumphing and getting through to the other end of that project, problem, or setback.

You can give yourself a pep talk (figuratively speaking, though some people do it for real!) instead of talking yourself down.

Being a cheerleader of yourself is difficult to learn as an adult because it counters years of often negative self-talk.

But your kids are blank slates, and you can instill enthusiasm in them. When they do something difficult, they observe you carefully to learn and imitate your approach. That's your window: show them there is always a silver lining.